English Literature


English Literature


A Survey of English Literature
from the Medieval to Modern Period

For further information please contact Mrs. Hinrichs at christy@hinrichs.org

Explore the prose and poetry of Great Britain, including Milton, Shakespeare, Wordsworth, and Eliot. Assignments will include four poetry memorizations/imitations, six out-of-class essays and three timed writings throughout the course. Weekly questions will be collected at the end of each semester. Two of the timed writings are semester finals which test students on the cumulative semester readings. Reading assignments are 50-100 pages per week. We will be using the Norton Anthology of English Literature, Volumes I and II (seventh edition,)as our text. We will not be covering literature studied in Mr. Hinrichs’ Great Books courses. Class will be on Thursdays from 12:30 to 2:30 pm, Pacific Standard Time. This tutorial will be taught by Mrs. Hinrichs.
This is an honors level course.

To register, contact Mrs. Hinrichs directly at christy@hinrichs.org with your registration info.


Please purchase the 7th edition of the Norton Anthology, Volumes I and II. You can find the 7th edition (for very reasonable prices) through www.amazon.com or Ebay. http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/0393151093/ref=dp_olp_2/102-2789357-9194546?ie=UTF8

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Norton Anthology of English Literature, 7th edition, Volume 2

Norton Anthology of English Literature, 7th edition, Volume 2 (Hardcover)
by M. H. Abrams (Editor), Stephen Greenblatt (Editor)
Explore: Citations
Browse: Front Cover | Table of Contents | Excerpt | Index | Back Cover

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*Note: It is important that you use the seventh edition, as the questions below and class discussion will be based on this edition.

English Literature Assignments, First Semester/First Anthology
Click here for weekly questions.
We will be discussing these works in class for the week listed. Please be sure to have them read, along with the background for each work and author.
** You will need to procure a copy of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night if you do not have the seventh edition of the Norton Anthology.
9/5: Week 1, : "The Persistence of English", Middle Ages Introduction, From “An Ecclesiastical History of the English People”, “The Dream of the Rood”, and “Beowulf”
9/12:Week 2, : Lyrics, The Wakefield Second Shepherd’s Play,
9/19: Week 3, : Everyman, “Morte D’Arthur”
9/26: Week 4, : 16th Century Introduction, from More’s “Utopia”
*** Fierce Wars and Faithful Loves by Roy Maynard, from Canon Press is a wonderful study guide for Faerie Queene.
10/3: Week 5, : Spenser’s Faerie Queene, Book I, cantos i-v
10/4: ***Paper #1 due by midnight, PST, . 750-1000 words. This paper is expository. Please choose a character from a previous reading who can be considered a hero. Explain why this character is a hero. See www.gbt.org/englitpaper1.htm for more direction about expository writing. Please clear your paper topic with Mrs. Hinrichs by the end of week 4.***
10/10: *** Poetry memorizations/imitations #1 due in class Week 6. See www.gbt.org/poetryimitationexamples.htm for ideas.
10/10: Week 6, : Faerie Queene, Book I, cantos vi-xii
10/17: Week 7, : Faerie Queene ,Book II, canto 12, stanzas 42-87, Book III, cantos i-xii plus summaries of those cantos not in the anthology.
10/24: Week 8, : Marlowe, The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus
10/24: ***Timed Writing #1, , after class ***
10/31: Week 9, : Shakespeare’s sonnets: 18, 19, 20, 29, 73,87, 116,127, 130, and 147 and Twelfth Night, Acts I-III.
11/7: Week 10, : Twelfth Night, Acts IV and V.
11/14: Week 11, : 17th Century Introduction, Donne, “The Flea”, "The Good Morrow," “Song”(both by that title), “The Undertaking”, "The Sun Rising", "The Indifferent", "A Valediction: Of Weeping", “The Canonization”, "The Relic", “The Bait”, “The Apparition”, “A Valediction: Forbidden Mourning”, Satire 3, Holy Sonnets: 1, 5, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, "Good Friday, 1613, Riding Westward", "A Hymn to Christ", "Hymn to God My God in My Sickness", "A Hymn to God the Father", Meditation 17, 19 and from "Death's Duel" (starts "First, then, we consider this exitus mortis..."to the end.
11/21: Week 12, : Jonson, Volpone , "To My Book", "On Something, That Walks Somewhere", "To William Camden", "On My First Daughter", "To John Donne", On My First Son”, “Inviting a Friend to Supper”, “To Penshurst”, “To Celia”, “To Heaven”, “Still To Be Neat”, "Slow, Slow, Fresh Fount", “To the Memory of My Beloved, The Author, William Shakespeare”, "Ode to Himself"
11/22: ***Paper #2 due by midnight, PST. 750-1000 words. This paper is a characterization. Choose a character from a previous reading and illustrate his or her qualities. PLEASE DO NOT MERELY RETELL THE STORY! See Essay Guide #2 for further direction about characterization. Please clear your paper idea with Mrs. Hinrichs by end of week 9.***

12/5: Week 13, : Herbert: "The Altar", "Redemption", "Easter Wings", "Affliction (1)", "Prayer (1)", "Church Monuments", "Denial", "Virtue", "The Collar", "Discipline", "Love (3)", Herrick , "Delight in Disorder", "Corinna's Going A-Maying", "To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time", "His Prayer to Ben Jonson" , "Upon Julia's Clothes", Marvell: "The Coronet", "A Dialogue Between Soul and Body", "Damon the Mower", "The Mower's Song"
12/12: Week 14, : Milton, “On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity”("The Hymn" is part of this poem-- read the first four stanzas PLUS the 27 following), "On Shakespeare", "Lycidas", “Areopagitica”, “How Soon Hath Time”, "On the New Forcers...", “When I Consider How My Light is Spent”, "On the Late Massacre in Piedmont", “Methought I Saw My Late Espoused Saint 
12/19: Week 15, 18th Century Background, Bunyan, from "Grace Abounding" and "Pilgrim's Progress", Butler, from "Hudibras"
1/10**Paper #3 due by midnight PST. 1250-1500 words. This paper should compare and contrast two works you have read this semester.*** See www.gbt.org/englitpaper3.htm for more details. ** Please clear your topic before break by emailing Mrs. Hinrichs and telling her what you plan to write about.
1/09 Week 16: Swift, “Abolishing Christianity in England”, “A Modest Proposal”, Pope, “The Rape of the Lock"
1/16: Week 17, : William Cowper, from "The Task", "The Castaway" from Johnson's "Dictionary", Boswell from "Life of Samuel Johnson"
1/16***** Timed Essay Final after class

Second Semester
1/23: Week 18, : Romantic Period Background, William Blake: "To Spring", "To Autumn", "To the Evening Star", "All Religions Are One", "There Is No Natural Religion (a and b)", From Songs of Innocence: Introduction, "The Ecchoing(sic) Green", "The Lamb", "The Little Black Boy", "The Chimney Sweeper" (both), "Holy Thursday" (both), "Nurse's Song" (both), "The Divine Image", "Infant Joy", From Songs of Experience: Introduction, "The Fly", "The Tyger", "My Pretty Rose-Tree", "The Sunflower", "Infant Sorrow", "The Human Abstract", "A Poison Tree"
1/30: Week 19, : William Blake, "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell", Robert Burns: all poems in 7th edition
2/6: Week 20, : Thomas Paine, "Rights of Man", Burke, "Reflections on the Revolution in France" and Wollstonecraft, "A Vindication of the Rights of Woman"
2/13: Week 21, : Wordsworth, "Preface to Lyrical Ballads" (please read this before the poetry), "We Are Seven", "Lines Written in Early Spring", "Expostulation and Reply", "The Tables Turned", "Lines: Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey", "Strange Fits of Passion", "She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways", "Three Years She Grew", "The Two April Mornings", "I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud", "My Heart Leaps Up", "Westminster Bridge", "It is a Beauteous Evening", "London 1802", "The World is Too Much with Us", "Surprised By Joy"
2/20: Week 22, : Coleridge, " The Eolian Harp", "Rime of the Ancient Mariner", "Kubla Khan", "The Satanic Hero" (p. 491) Byron, "Written after Swimming from Sestos to Abydos", "She Walks in Beauty", "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage"
2/21: ***Paper #4 due by midnight, PST. 750-1000 words. This is a creative assignment. You may write a narrative ( www.gbt.org/guides ) or a long poem. Whatever you do must have a strong connection to at least one piece of literature we have studied. Please clear your topic with Mrs. Hinrichs by end of week 21***.
2/27: Week 23, : Shelley, "Mutability", "To Wordsworth", "Ozymandias", "England in 1819", "Ode to the West Wind", "To a Skylark", "The Flower that Smiles Today", "Defence of Poetry", Keats, ", "From Sleep and Poetry", "The Eve of St. Agnes" , "When I Have Fears", "La Belle Dame Sans Merci", "Sonnet to Sleep", "Ode to a Nightingale", "Ode on a Grecian Urn", "Ode on Melancholy"
3/5: Week 24, : The Victorian Age Background, Carlyle, "Sartor Resartus"
3/12: Week 25, : E.B. Browning, "Sonnets from the Portugese": 21, 22, 32, 43, "Aurora Leigh", "Mother and Poet", J.S. Mill: "What is Poetry", from "The Subjection of Women" and from "Autobiography"
Spring Break week of 3/16
3/26: Week 26, : Tennyson, "Lady of Shalott", "The Coming of Arthur", "The Passing of Arthur", "In Memoriam"
4/2: Week 27, : Robert Browning, "Porphyria's Lover", "Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister", "My Last Duchess", "The Laboratory", "The Bishop Orders His Tomb", "Childe Roland", "Fra Lippo Lippi", "Love Among the Ruins"
4/9:Week 28, : Gerard Manley Hopkins, "God's Grandeur", "The Starlight Night", "As Kingfishers Catch Fire", "Spring", "The Windhover", "Pied Beauty", "Hurrahing in Harvest", "Binsey Poplars", "Duns Scotus's Oxford", "Felix Randal", "Spring and Fall", "[Carrion Comfort]", "No Worst, There Is None", "I Wake and Feel the Fell of Dark, Not Day", "That Nature...", "Thou Art Indeed Just, Lord", excerpts from "Journal".
4/10: ***Paper #5 due by midnight, PST, 750-2000 words. This paper is to be a poetry analysis. Please have your poem and a general idea of what you wish to write about it approved by Mrs. Hinrichs by end of week 27.***
4/16: Week 29, : Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest, Acts I-II
Shakespeare's Birthday, 4/23 (Bake cake)
4/23: Week 30, : Earnest, Act III, plus 20th century introduction
4/30: Week 31, : Conrad, Heart of Darkness
5/7: Week 32, : World War I Poetry: Brooke, "The Soldier", Thomas, "Adlestrop", "Tears", "The Owl", "Rain", "The Cherry Trees", and "As the Team's Head Brass". Sassoon, "They", "The Rear-Guard", "Glory of Women", "Everyone Sang", "On Passing the New Menin Gate", "Memoirs of an Infantry Officer", [The Opening of the Battle of the Somme]. Gurney, "To His Love", "The Silent One". Rosenberg, "Break of Day in the Trenches", "Louse Hunting", "Returning, We Hear the Larks", "Dead Man's Dump". Owen, "Anthem for Doomed Youth", "Apologia Pro Poemate Meo", "Miners" "Dulce Et Decorum Est", "Strange Meeting", "Futility", "Disabled", from Owen's Letters to His Mother. Cannan, "Rouen", from "Grey Ghosts and Voices". Jones, "In Parenthesis", from Preface, from part 7: "The Five Unmistakeable Marks".
5/14: Week 33, : Yeats, "The Madness of King Goll", "The Stolen Child", "The Rose of the World", "The Lake Isle of Innisfree", "The Sorrow of Love", "When You are Old", "The Folly of Being Comforted", "Adam's Curse", "No Second Troy", "The Fascination of What's Difficult", "September 1913", "A Coat", "The Wild Swans at Coole", "Easter 1916", "The Second Coming", "A Prayer for my Daughter", "A Dialogue of Self and Soul" "Sailing to Byzantium", "After Long Silence", "Lapis Lazuli", From Reveries over Childhood and Youth: The Yeats Family, An Irish Literature, From the Trembling of the Veil: London and Pre-Raphaelitism, Oscar Wilde, The Origin of the Lake Isle of Innisfree, The Rhymers' Club.
5/21: Week 34: : Eliot, "The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock", "The Waste Land", "The Hollow Men", "Journey of the Magi", "Tradition and Individual Talent", "The Metaphysical Poets"
5/22: ***Paper #6 due by midnight, PST . 1250-1500 words. You may choose your topic for this paper, but you must have it approved by end of week 33. It may NOT be a creative paper. ***
5/28:Week 35: : Thomas, "The Force That Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower", "After the Funeral", "Fern Hill","Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night". Heaney, "Digging", "Casualty". Boland, "That the Science of Cartography is Limited", "The Dolls Museum in Dublin", "The Lost Land". Hughes, "Wind", "Relic", "Pike", "Examination at the Womb-Door", "Theology", "The Seven Sorrows", "Daffodils".
*** Timed Essay Final after class
*** For essay tips and more instructions on poetry memorizations/imitations, click here.



Plagiarism: The act of purloining another man's literary works, or introducing passages from another man's writings and putting them off as one's own; literary theft. (Webster, 1828)

As you prepare to write your essays, it is very important that you understand more fully what this means. Basically, you are stealing if you use the words of another person in your essay without giving that person credit. This means that even a sentence "borrowed" from another person's writing is plagiarism. Rewording someone else's writing into your own words is also plagiarism. Stealing someone else's ideas and expressing them in your own words is plagiarism.

My suggestion is that you gain your knowledge of the readings by a) doing the readings yourself, b) listening and participating during class discussions, and c) asking questions when you do not understand.
